5 Tanning Tips for Beginners: How to Get a Perfect Sun-kissed Glow

5 Tanning Tips for Beginners: How to Get a Perfect Sun-kissed Glow

5 Tanning Tips for Beginners: How to Get a Perfect Sun-kissed Glow

If you're new to tanning, you might feel overwhelmed by the options available. With a variety of tanning beds, courses, and lotions, it can be challenging to know where to start. Fortunately, with a little preparation and knowledge, you can achieve a beautiful sun-kissed glow without compromising your skin's health. Here are five tanning tips for beginners to help you get started:

1. Prepare your skin by exfoliating and moisturizing. 

Before you start tanning, it's essential to prepare your skin properly. Exfoliating your skin a day or two before your tanning session can remove dead skin cells and help your skin absorb the tan more evenly. Additionally, avoid using any lotions, perfumes, or deodorants on the day of your tanning session as they can interfere with the tanning process.

2. Start with a low tanning time and gradually increase.

When using a tanning bed for the first time, it's recommended that you start with a low time of 3 minutes and gradually increase your time over the next few sessions. Overexposure to UV rays can cause skin damage, including premature aging. Therefore, it's crucial to be patient and gradually build up your tanning time. At Sunbelievable Tanning, we offer a pay-as-you-go option for 3-minute tanning sessions to help you get started. You can click here to learn more about our 3-minute tanning sessions.

3. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

UV rays can cause dehydration, so it's crucial to drink plenty of water before and after your tanning session. Being hydrated will help your skin to retain moisture and prevent it from drying out.

4. Use eye protection to avoid damaging your eyes.

Your eyes are incredibly sensitive to UV rays, so it's crucial to use protective eyewear during your tanning session. Most tanning salons provide disposable eye protection or sell goggles for a small fee.

5. Use a tanning accelerator to achieve a deeper, longer lasting tan.

Using a tanning accelerator can help you achieve a darker and longer-lasting tan in a shorter amount of time. At Sunbelievable Tanning, we offer a wide range of tanning accelerators from top brands like Australian Gold, Body Butter, Devoted Creations, Power Tan, and Supre Tan, and many more. Our best-selling tanning accelerator for beginners is the Dark Start Ultra by Power Tan, which helps to stimulate melanin production and enhance your tan. Other popular options include:

  1. Dark Tanning Accelerator by Australian Gold
  2. White 2 Bronze Pure Pomegranate by Devoted Creations
  3. Karat Accelerator by Body Butter
  4. Non-Stop Black Hybrid Accelerator (DHA FREE) by Power Tan

Our knowledgeable staff can help you choose the best tanning accelerator for your skin type and tanning goals. Don't forget to apply your tanning accelerator evenly all over your body before getting into the tanning bed for best results.


Tanning can be a great way to achieve a beautiful and healthy-looking glow, but it's important to take the necessary precautions to protect your skin and achieve the best results. By following these 5 tanning tips for beginners, you can ensure a safe and effective tanning experience:

  • Prepare your skin by exfoliating and moisturizing
  • Start with a low tanning time and gradually increase
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Use eye protection to avoid damage to your eyes
  • Use a tanning accelerator to achieve a deeper and longer-lasting tan.

At Sunbelievable Tanning, we offer a range of tanning options and professional tanning products to help you achieve your tanning goals safely and effectively. Our knowledgeable staff is always available to answer any questions and provide personalized recommendations. We hope these tanning tips will help you achieve a beautiful and healthy-looking tan!

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